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Hello, I am Mandy.


It all started back at school when my favourite subject was art.  I loved being in the art room with all the different smells of paint and their colours.  I was very happy.


Throughout my life, given all the different situations I found myself I would always revert to painting, anything.  Later, when I needed to make extra money I used my honed skills to decorate Clients houses coupled with an innate sense of interior design.  This led to branching out into trompe l’oeil and murals adding a different dimension to interior decorating.


Around this time transforming second hand furniture with special paint effects became another string to my bow.  


Within the last ten years I have changed from painting houses to painting animal portraits and occasional pieces of furniture.  Whichever piece takes my eye!  Since childhood I have held on to a love of nature and animals which is evident in my work.


When I’m not in the studio painting I can be found outside in the garden listening, to the birds singing, the wind in the trees and enjoying the simple pleasures of the natural world that offers inspiration.

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